Only Child Syndrome

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The fact is this...I am a LATE thirty-something, an only child with one living parent and I hate, by the way, being an only child.

I am a drama queen and I know it, and I love it and I won't change it!

I am finally in a career that I love and I finally found someone special, just for me and my dramatic nature!

I am a horse lover. I love and ride Appaloosa horses.

I am and artsy-farts and love all aspects of the Arts and Culture. I am an Independent Stylist for Stella & Dot and love the jewels.

I have a dog who is my four legged baby, her name is Effie and I have another three legged baby and her name is Daisy.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sick, sad and tired.

Once again I am just sick.

I can't for the life of me figure out the mentality of others and it leads me to have ulcers, the shakes and sleepless nights.

I am truly sick and tired of covering other peoples asses. Once again, I have to drum up more then my fair share of money for feed for the horses. Not just mine but for two other people as well and it is very frustrating for me when I would dearly love to phone these two individuals up and give them an ultimatum, but my mother, who often wonders why people walk all over her, won't let me. Won't let me cause a stir, so instead, I get the panic phone calls on how are we gonna get more hay for the horses!

I am so sick and tired of seeing these two individuals spend all their extra money on cigarettes, purses, diet coke, junk food, oh the list could go on...when I have to leave my ulcer pills at the drugstore cuz the horses need food, when I don't get new glasses, when I can't fix the leaky seals on my car cuz I gotta feed their horses!...oh, I could go on. Then these two individuals bitch at me cuz my mom still hasn't fixed the 4x4 on the truck, still hasn't fixed the roof on the house, still hasn't fixed the broken fence....why? Because we are both paying for their horses. If it isn't feed, it's wormer, hoof trimming, which by the way, I do all of!

What's gonna happen next. I honestly don't think I can take much more.

I am going to Mexico in 13 days with Buster. I don't even know what I will be able to take for spending money because of these two selfish people.

"Oh, don't worry, Auntie Ruth and Suzanne will take care of it."

This is the mentality these two have and it has been so all of their lives and I am afraid while my mother is still alive it will never change. It will always be this way. The cycle will never be broken. Its like someone being beaten over and over and just can't get out. It's like an alcoholic that just can't stop drinking or a drug abuser....I don't ever see it changing and it is slowly killing me.

It makes me so sad sometimes....a person just gets their head above water and a shark comes by and yanks you back down, plays with you, and lets you gasp for air, in pain, then pulls you back under again.

Maybe that's why I have such a fear of sharks....because its a reminder of my own f'd up family....they wonder why I live soooo far away, and hate coming home.


Mick & Cathy said...

It took me a long time to learn that some other people arn't worth worrying about.
I was the type of person that everyone turned to when things went wrong, the one everyone exected to sort out all problems.
However I got shit upon so many times it eventually changed me, I just stopped doing certain things and the look on some of their faces was quite amusing.

Don't let it effect your health its not worth it, the more you do the more you expect. Friendships & partnerships (buisness or relationship) should always be two way.

Bruno Rocco said...

I think the times has come a phone call has to be made it's your money. If you do not call and do something it will continue to happen. These deadbeats need to know they are deadbeats. Obviously they do not show you the respect you deserve, by calling you and asking if you need money to feed their horses.

The Time has come Either pay for your feed or take your horses somewhere else.

You do not need this stress Ruth will have to understand it's your health we are talking about.

Give me their phone numbes Guido will phone them.

Fairy Mae said...

I love you two!!

Queen of Halloween said...

It's time to write a bill up, itemizing all expenditures/repairs, etc and when payment is the end of each month! People like that need to see it in writing...verbal can mean who's side of the story. This way you don't have to deal with their faces. These type don't like the written...stories can't be twisted to suit their complaints to other. What's the worse they can do, take the horses out of your lives and not speak to you any more? Sounds good to me. Stay strong and don't let them see the whites of your eyes!

Fairy Mae said... guys....

Ahhhh George