I know I am not the brightest person here....I KNOW THAT! Really.
With saying that....
5 stupid things I have done:
1). Broke my collar bone by getting out of the car to go to band practice. Yes folks! I turned wrong and SNAP! (I am a genius baritone player!)
2). Broke my little finger on my left hand. How did I do that you ask? Well, I was at a horse show and I was changing in the horse trailer for my next class. My WONDERFUL family gathered by sitting on lawn chairs just outside of the door that I come out of after changing. They left to go to watch me and I heard my class being called. I bailed out of the horse trailer only to trip over not one, but three of the chairs, go flying into my horse who was tied next to everything, and managed to break my hand in the process. Writing was a doozie.
3). Drive the old International truck (my grapa was on the passenger side) into and over a boulder, while slamming into the boulder we both flew into the dash, grapa lost his teeth and I broke my glasses. Explain that one to grama!!!
4). Getting chased by a bull in a pasture full of cows that were inheat! I was stranded in that tree for quite some time! Need I say more?!
5). Riding my bike down a steep hill full of rocks and boulders. Had a fantastic wipe out. I was black with dirt from head to toe. No broken teeth, but a really bent up bike. Man, did I get hell for that one!
There are many more but those stories always get told around the supper table. Those little incidents happened many, many years ago but still we laugh like hell.
They are right....laughter is the best medicine.
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