Only Child Syndrome

My photo
The fact is this...I am a LATE thirty-something, an only child with one living parent and I hate, by the way, being an only child.

I am a drama queen and I know it, and I love it and I won't change it!

I am finally in a career that I love and I finally found someone special, just for me and my dramatic nature!

I am a horse lover. I love and ride Appaloosa horses.

I am and artsy-farts and love all aspects of the Arts and Culture. I am an Independent Stylist for Stella & Dot and love the jewels.

I have a dog who is my four legged baby, her name is Effie and I have another three legged baby and her name is Daisy.

Monday, February 23, 2009


Yes, I had an interesting day yesterday.

I was working at the hell job. I was talking to a customer when another approached me needing help.

OF COURSE I would help!

What does this gentleman need? I ask and he says a nice dressy vest and a black shirt. I ask if its for a special occasion. I get a "no".....???? Ok..I need a little more help here.

So I ask if its a party. Again, "no".....???? Ummmm, I can't help you if I don't know.

So I ask what its for. He tells me he is a musician...well, thats better. Now I can help. So he needs it for performance time...."yes"!! YAY! We have something here...

So, I get him into a really nice vest with a black shirt and he spots another, and we then both head up to the till. I ring him through and he hands me his credit card.

Yup! It was Barney Bentall. I almost fell over. A Canadian musician...under the radar, shopping at Lammles.

We chatted and he then gave me his two new CD's, some info and off he went. He was a happy customer and I, a happy fan.

Great stuff.


Mick & Cathy said...

Now I'd be totally impressed if I knew who Barney Bentall is ?

Fairy Mae said...


Anonymous said...

me to never heard of him

Ahhhh George