Last night was the last for farmsitting til the beginning of April. The past week was interesting because I was not alone. Normally both Betty and Bobby go together on their little excursions but this time Betty stayed home. It was rather an inconvenience because when I am by myself I come and go as I please. Do chores, then do whatever...not this time!
This time, was a challenge. First off, Betty was/is trying her hardest to convert me into a born again Christian. Now, I believe in God and I go to church but the last thing I do is to ram my religious beliefs on someone else. If they ask, then ok but even then, I don't get too deep. It's just not my thing to do that to someone.
Every night at the supper table we discussed verses in the Bible and had little discussions on them while we were watching...Dallas!! Cracks me up! Dallas!! What the?? Talk about morality!! Anyway....I decided to go to church with Betty rather than my normal church hoppers, Stifler's Mom and the rest of the crowd. (Oh, and let's not get into what she thought of my tattoos! I am ruining my temple! Tsk, tsk.)
3 hours later, church finally let out...that's right, I say 3! Then...of course we still discussed God on the 20 minute ride back to the farm. I later told Legs about this and he laughed his ass off. I saw no humour in any of it.
That was only this past Sunday.
Last week we were watching the boob tube at 6. Can't miss the news! I NEVER watch the news. NEVER! But....
For instance....On the news was a man who was fighting for his right to wear his turban rather than a helmet while riding his motorbike. I say wear the helmet, it may save your life. I do see his side too, that it is part of his religion. blah, blah. The man lost in court. Betty says "they" should all go back to where "they" came from. I was stunned! For Betty to be a born again Christian and to talk like that!! I never saw that side of her before. It was...I am speechless.
I'm sorry but I thought that if you are a Christian you are not to be judgemental. Prejudiced. I know this is a touchy subject for a whole lot of people but, I just had to blog about it.
My best friend in the whole wide world, the one who is fighting cancer right now, my blood sister, is East Indian and I think she is the best thing since sliced bread. Not one time have I ever thought of her as any other way besides my best childhood friend and we have been able to be there for each other since...well, for many years.
It was a real eye opener for me. I have had many reality checks this month and I really don't want anymore. I have had my fill. From my families disfunctional qualities which I was subjected to, to Betty's views on God, Christianity, and "those people", I have had my fill.
I don't want to hear anymore. I am gonna go back to my little one bedroom apartment in the Border Town and once again become a recluse. Watch my t.v. programs, read the papers on the internet, and listen to my music.
If I hear one more person tell me what I should believe, or what I should do with my life, or who I should or should not like, or who I should or should not talk to, I am gonna let them have it. I understand people have their own views and I am ok with that. That is what they think or believe in their hearts. I can respect that. But, it would be nice if other people would respect my views too, rather than try to brain wash me.
"You can only change yourself, you can't change others." It's a great saying. I find myself thinking it at least once a day.
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