Only Child Syndrome

My photo
The fact is this...I am a LATE thirty-something, an only child with one living parent and I hate, by the way, being an only child.

I am a drama queen and I know it, and I love it and I won't change it!

I am finally in a career that I love and I finally found someone special, just for me and my dramatic nature!

I am a horse lover. I love and ride Appaloosa horses.

I am and artsy-farts and love all aspects of the Arts and Culture. I am an Independent Stylist for Stella & Dot and love the jewels.

I have a dog who is my four legged baby, her name is Effie and I have another three legged baby and her name is Daisy.

Friday, March 26, 2010



I have not been on the internet for about a week or more. It has been so crazy at work and at home. Moving, dance festivals, inter-office fights....WOW!

The Person that I hate is being an ass....again...surprise, surprise...just when I was ready for him too and the buggar backed down. Ahhh there will be a next time, I am sure!

I am getting ready for Full Length Theatre Festival in April. I was going to try to get to my Chiropractic Equine Course in May but that's not going to happen so hopefully in the fall I'll be able to go.
It's not that money is tight. I'm just not sure where its going to be allocated. What Buster wants me to pay for and so forth.

I am however, going to go in May to pick up my four legged kid from my mom. I am so excited to get my baby back. She has been living with my mom for 5 Christmas' and I can have her back. I have missed her so much. I am hoping Buster and Dee will love her and accept her. Buster also Wilma, Bruno...don't bug him about this....but....

a Chihuahua.

Yes, you saw correctly.

Buster had one as a kid and now wants another...two dogs...thats ok. I am happy with that. Its kinda lonely when he is gone for two weeks at a time. The hampster and the fish don't hang out with me much.

My Mom and Goddaughter came down on the weekend. They spent the night at the new house. They attended the Gala with me, eventhough I couldn't be with them very much. I think they enjoyed it.

There was one of my cast members (who is going to apprentice at Full Length) who has it in his head that he is going to be a famous actor. He was our understudy for the play. This little guy has a heart of gold but is very disillusioned. He came from out East to find his calling! Acting! In....the Border Town? Ummmm, no.

So, he is going to attend Full Length Festival as an apprentice...because according to him all actors start out on stage then head to Vancouver, then get an acting job, then make it big. I don't have the heart to tell him that it just doesn't happen that way. That when they say don't call us, we'll call you...they mean it. That when they say you are not for the part, they mean it and when they say, you got the part, if you are not a principle actor, the pay is crap and you need another job to support the "acting career". He is such an intense person too. He gives it his all at everything. Take a guess as to how old this guy is. When I finally asked him how old he was, I nearly fell over.

It should be interesting to see him there, to see him pun intended with everyone.

Dance season is upon me here at work. Its is Ukrainian Dance this weekend. Next weekend its just your regular ole jazz hands and tap along with ballet, hip hop...if you could call it hip hop....most of the hip hop ladies are a bunch of overweight girls trying to be someone they ARE NOT! It's tragically funny. I mean good for them, but oh dear! To sit and watch them do the head whip and the butt bounce...

Ahhh, I love my job.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Change is good.

This weekend is the big play. The Hound of the Baskervilles. Last night was a gawd awful rehearsal. My two vetran actors didnt know their cues to come on stage....GAHHH!!!

I feel like sabotage is in the works with my stage manager and the lighting tech...he is the one that I hate! Am I surprised? Nope.

The stage manager decided to cut one of my songs and just go with thunder and lighting....ummm let's see....will I do this again...ya probably but with a couple of different people.

Change is a good thing!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

New things

New Haircut...and I mean CUT! +
New Vehicle +
New Living Arrangements! +
New All-Ready-Made Family +
New Fish. +
New Outlook on Life =
New Smile


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I See.

I see the Film Society is having a screening on Meet Me in St. Louis. That is one of my favourite musicals. I would have to say that my all time favourite is Oliver Twist. The one with Oliver Reed playing Bill Sykes with his dog Bulldog.

I can even recite lines from that movie let alone singing the songs in top volume. "What?! You want MORE!!!?" I love the costumes. I actually can still lose myself and all aspects of time when that movie is on. I get tunnel vision and thats it, I tune out all other sounds around me and sit on the floor and watch.

Another of my favourites isn't a moive but a sitcom. Three's Comany. I have watched it soooo many times that I too can recite lines. I am at the moment compiling all recipies ever mentioned on the show hoping that one day, I can publish a Three's Company Cookbook. Ahhh, someday.

Are You Being Served? and Keeping up Appearances are also favourites.

The A-Team and Alf rank up there too. I remember writing a story in Grade 8 English. I loved English. I always did so well in that class....but anyway, I wrote a story about The G-Team and their adventures. I also remember getting an F because it wasn't original! Original my ass! It was a story that came out of my head but the G Team were a bunch of karate kickin' teenage girls..then out came Ninja Turtles....go figure!

I was ahead of my time I guess.

Friday, March 05, 2010

A great day.

I am grateful for alot of things today. One being a Friday, which means I got through another week!

Two, is packing my vehicle yet again with belongs that are going to a new house!

Three, the interview with the paper went off well, so well that the other paper wants an interview as well as one of the radio stations.

Four, the weather has been amazing. One of my friends even spotted a gopher!!

Five, my clothes are starting to fit again and I can actually see an hour glass figure taking shape!

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Brings me back

I am going on a web networking brown bag dinner today. I haven't had a brown bag dinner in years!

Huh, just to even find a brown bag is hard!

I have a ham on white packed and some banana bread with a can of coke.

I can remember grade 8 especially bringing bagged lunches to school. I also remember grade 1 bagged lunches too. My mom used to get so embarrassed by what I took in grade 1. I loved and still love raw weiners. The Harvest weiner is THEE best wiener. Raw or cooked. Mom would ask me what I wanted for dinner and always the same was said. "Cold wieners and bread and butter."

Grade 8 was cold hamburgers and large milk for dinner. Two of them to be exact, scarfed them down and then off to Dodge Ball or Murder Ball. I ate cold burgers everyday back then...its different now. My mom would give me a bad time about that too. By then I was packing my own lunch. She was good about never forcing me to take a fruit or vegetable.

Now, vegetables are a thing I can not go without. Thanks mom!

Grade 12 we would pile into the shaggin' wagon and head to the local Chinese Restaurant for fries and gravy! Who knew!?

Well, I am off to me session!

Ahhh, the bagged lunch never will be forgotten!

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Well, well, well

Well, we are graced with the one that I hate's presence again. He is back. He did bring us presents. from the Olympics. Nice of him really....this makes me nervous. He has been very talkie to me too. Although, he has to be since he is helping me with the play. Sigh.

I have been asked by the College to direct a play for them! I am kind of excited about this as they are wanting to pay me!!


Does this make me a professional director?

This may go to my head!

I have been on a workout boot camp with one of the box office gurus and it has been going well. I have been losing the poundage by leaps and bounds and the guru, well, I didn't think she needed to lose weight at all. We have been logging our progress and have another 10 weeks to go. My aim is 2 pounds a week...wish me luck.

The move is going realther well. I am however, stressing out with all that needs to be done and having company isn't helping my stress level. I am welcoming the company but the timing absolutely sucks.

I got a note under my door of when the landlord wants to do an inspection of the apartment. I have to book a cleaning lady cuz there is no way with the March schedule at work, that I will have time to clean! I have friends and family showing up to an almost empty apartment on the 19-21 and the cleaning lady comes on the 23rd! I have just two beds, a futon and a queen left in the apartment. The only other option I have is to have all the company drive an extra hour and some to the house, where there are beds, food and drink. ARRGGHHH! My timing needs work.

Someone shoot me!

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Getting closer

It echos in the apartment now.

As I was unpacking the kitchenware in Buster's place, our place, I ran across many things that I have missed. When I was in the apartment, I never did any baking or real great cooking. I just did the basics. Kraft dinner and sausages and so forth. No roasts, or not many that's for sure. I ran across my cheese cake forms, my muffin tins, my pan that I use only for roasting garlic in.

In my mind it brought back all these great smells that were a comfort to me years ago. I am hoping that I can find them again in the real kitchen. Not just in my mind anymore.

All the comfort smells that grama made in the kitchen, like home made chocolate cake with chocolate mint icing. Auntie Tyna's Chocolate Cookies, my Mom's roasted chicken with stuffing, potatoes and sour cream gravy. My turtle cake with choclate gnache. The great barb-q season!

It's going to be a new start with Buster, one that I am looking forward to. He is kind, funny, considerate (well, most of the time)! He makes me laugh. For once in a long, long, long time I am I am looking forward to what the future brings with the three of us.

It has been the first time in many years since I haven't felt like fleeing, felt like I should just disappear and make sure no one finds me.

I have found my smile again.

I have great friends, a great job and a great partner...and a pretty good family as well.

I think I'll stay for awhile.

Monday, March 01, 2010

What would your mother say....

I still can't believe that drama that went on Saturday night.

I had to work Saturday night because a very well known Canadian singer and his band were going to be here with proceeds going to a AAA Bantams Girls Hockey Team.

I arrived at 4pm and the band was to come in at 5:30.

Now, I can handle most things, but then after I have had enough, I start to get rude.

The band was to go on at 7:30pm. They wanted the cheque first and refused to go on until then. The girls hockey team played a game that night and the man who booked this lovely band was their head coach AND at the game. We had to track him down and he physically had to give them the cheque.....strike 1.

There were two groupie girls with them who felt the need to light up in the NON SMOKING ANYTHING room. Our stage manager went back stage and told them to butt out. Take the weed outside please...strike 2!

During intermission they had to be told yet again, take the weed outside to smoke....and where are and why are there bottlecaps littered everywhere back they know what a garbage can is for?...strike 3!

Well, after intermission was over, the house went back in and the audience waited in the dark for about 15 minutes....why?....Oh because Mr. Man had to finish smoking his "cigarette".

So while everyone was waiting in the dark for Mr. Smoke man to finish...the bottle caps continued to breed....everywhere you looked there was more!

After the show, my boss and I decided to go "clean" the green room. The relax room. The room was a mess....what was happening was Mr. Smoke man would open a bottle of beer, pop off the lid and let it fall where it may. That held true with the chips, the salsa, the fruit...they were pigs! The man and his band are pot heads and drunks. Needless to say, this is the last time they will perform for us.

While we were trying to clean it up, they milled around in the room....were they ever going to leave? They have hotel rooms....finally I had enough and my parting words to them were "ok guys, I love you dearly, but get out!"

What would Mr. Man's mom say if she knew this is how her son carried on? What would she say if she knew that this is how he does things?

He performed here about 4 years ago and from what our back stage crew said was that from then to now...he is a very different person.

I am very disappointed in the fact that I really liked this guys music. I enjoyed singing his song infront of a crowd at the "Back to You" pilot. I cranked the volume knob on the radio when he came on, but he and his band have ruined it for me.

Now, all I can think about are a bunch of primadonna's and their groupies, booze and drugs. Now, all I can think about is having to wait on this guy to finish his weed before he would go on leaving 500 plus people in the dark wondering where he was. Now, all I can think about is standing there by the table where he was signing autographs for happy people who think he is the greatest thing since sliced bread and all he and his band are, are stoners. That they have to perform on stage under the influence.

Ya, Jim Morrison and all those guys did it too...they are dead.

This is the third time I have been disappointed by a performer from what I have seen going on back stage.

I know there will be more.

Ahhhh George