Only Child Syndrome

My photo
The fact is this...I am a LATE thirty-something, an only child with one living parent and I hate, by the way, being an only child.

I am a drama queen and I know it, and I love it and I won't change it!

I am finally in a career that I love and I finally found someone special, just for me and my dramatic nature!

I am a horse lover. I love and ride Appaloosa horses.

I am and artsy-farts and love all aspects of the Arts and Culture. I am an Independent Stylist for Stella & Dot and love the jewels.

I have a dog who is my four legged baby, her name is Effie and I have another three legged baby and her name is Daisy.

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Ahh, it has been quite a learning experience moving into another Province that for me is only 2 minutes away.

This WILL BE my last move!

The paperwork that goes with it is absolutely ridiculous and it shows me really how lax we are in Saskatchewan if someone moves into the Province. Trying to get into Alberta or to be a resident there, is like trying to get back into Canada from a vacation abroad! Its insane!!! You might as well go through a pat down!

Anyway, I think we have everything straightened out.

As of today, I have started packing to move....I have realized that I have alot of crap, ummm, I mean stuff! That I really do use. Really Buster, I do!

SO, I have loaded up the new little vehicle and when Bruno, Wilma, Ruthie Tuesday and Katie-did come to visit close to the end of this month, well, there will just be the basics here. A table, beds, and a shower.

This buy the way is the new little Utility Car, I bought....with the help of Buster!!
Let me say, that it can sure pack alot of "stuff" in it. That little vehicle has in it oodles of bags, a bookcase, a plant stand, an end table, scads of bedding, table cloths, breakables, DVD's , oh a stereo, and I can't think what else I put in there, but that baby is packed right to the top!

I think its a nifty little tool!


Wilma said...

What are we gonna call it? We must think of a good nickname...

Fairy Mae said...


Ahhhh George