Only Child Syndrome

My photo
The fact is this...I am a LATE thirty-something, an only child with one living parent and I hate, by the way, being an only child.

I am a drama queen and I know it, and I love it and I won't change it!

I am finally in a career that I love and I finally found someone special, just for me and my dramatic nature!

I am a horse lover. I love and ride Appaloosa horses.

I am and artsy-farts and love all aspects of the Arts and Culture. I am an Independent Stylist for Stella & Dot and love the jewels.

I have a dog who is my four legged baby, her name is Effie and I have another three legged baby and her name is Daisy.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Back again....

Mexico was a great vacation. Going with Buster was a great thing to do. We laughed, we cried laughing! and we laughed some more. We decided to go on an Outdoor Adventure up the mountain, that was out first outing. We hopped on a Zodiac boat and sped across for about 45 minutes to the other side of the bay and then went on a truck up the mountain to our designated spot.

We mounted up on Mules and headed up the mountain. My Mules name was Charro and was a little sorrel long ear sweetheart. I had one of the guides behind me always "hitting my ass" to make him go faster and I was forever telling him to stop!, that my ass started to hurt! Once we packed up the mountain we dismounted and was given a quick do's and dont's of ziplining and repelling down a mountain....ahh haaa. Thank you for that.

The Zip lining was fabulous and would do it again in a second. The "walking" down the face of a massive amount of rock made my skin crawl. I won't be rock climbing too soon!

Once we got down from the rock we zip lined some more and when we got closer to the bottom we hiked to the cabin to change our clothes, have a beer and some nachos and salsa. Oh, did I mention we zip lined right into a pool of water...yup!~ Soaked and the water was not warm! What wasn't pointy or shirivelled before was when you hit the water!!!

During the evenings we would have a drink with some really great people. Most from B.C. and Saskatchewan, a handful from Alberta and the same with the Quebecers. All that we at that resort were Canadians. It was nice.

One of the girls (Blanche) just came back from a weightloss bootcamp. In 12 weeks she lost 25 pounds. The other box office guru (Berline) and I decided we should join too. Blanche said not to join that she would start us off. So next Monday we start. Weigh in is at Blanche's house and bootcamp starts.

Its time to get my nose to the grindstone. There was no point in starting a diet before vacation, but I am pleased to say with the exercise and food they served in Mexico, I came back losing 3 pounds!

Here goes....

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Ahhhh George