Only Child Syndrome

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The fact is this...I am a LATE thirty-something, an only child with one living parent and I hate, by the way, being an only child.

I am a drama queen and I know it, and I love it and I won't change it!

I am finally in a career that I love and I finally found someone special, just for me and my dramatic nature!

I am a horse lover. I love and ride Appaloosa horses.

I am and artsy-farts and love all aspects of the Arts and Culture. I am an Independent Stylist for Stella & Dot and love the jewels.

I have a dog who is my four legged baby, her name is Effie and I have another three legged baby and her name is Daisy.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ranting: conversations in a group

Ive noticed a while ago that when I attend a function, a gathering, or a group large or small, that if I am not included in the conversation, I end up zoning out or walking away.

You can't be mad at me because I've done my best to fit in with a nod or a can't fault me for zoning out or walking've done nothing to me? I've done nothing to you!

So, why get annoyed with me when you don't get the answer from me you want when I have no idea what you were talking about. I may have been there in body but unless you look at me when talking to others and include me in that particular conversation, then and only then will I indulge in the gathering, group or likewise...geez

I'm getting used to not being included in conversations, gatherings and so forth...does it bother me? A little. It makes me feel invisible. It makes me feel like in not worthy of your time.
If it makes me feel like that, why stay? If it makes me feel bad about myself and makes me feel useless, why would I allow myself to stay in that situation. You don't want to talk to me and include me, thats your deal, but don't get pissy when I do it to you! Kinda hurts the soul a wee bit.

SO think about it in your next group type setting....make sure you say hi to everyone and include them in your conversation, even if you don't know their names. They are there for a reason.

Make them feel welcome too.

1 comment:

Queen of Halloween said...

So 100 percent true! I've been invisible to this town and others for 28 yrs! Except when they need my help? One gets used to it... sad to say...;(! I have found that one does not need their input anyways...;)! Ever remember seeing me walk away too...?

Ahhhh George