Only Child Syndrome
- Fairy Mae
- The fact is this...I am a LATE thirty-something, an only child with one living parent and I hate, by the way, being an only child.
I am a drama queen and I know it, and I love it and I won't change it!
I am finally in a career that I love and I finally found someone special, just for me and my dramatic nature!
I am a horse lover. I love and ride Appaloosa horses.
I am and artsy-farts and love all aspects of the Arts and Culture. I am an Independent Stylist for Stella & Dot and love the jewels.
I have a dog who is my four legged baby, her name is Effie and I have another three legged baby and her name is Daisy.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Rocky's Paw
Well, the time is getting closer for the RHPS Party here at work. I thought that I would be able to enjoy watching it, but have ended up choreographing the time warp, running on and off stage with props and doing floor show make up.
Its been a pretty good time so far. the nights however, for rehearsal have been very late ending and I'm finding my butt is starting to drag...
The Paw rehearsal's have been very disappointing for me. The actor's are great, its the people who feel the need to give me their two cents that are driving me to the boiling point. I have the set designer who natters at me the whole time, and the lights man!! The lights man? Why is he not up in the booth? Ugh. Final rehearsal is on Tuesday and the law will be once again laid. All we can do now is go up!
This next weekend is one act festival and I can not wait for it. I have a travelling companion with me, so it won't seem like such a long drive!
This weekend will be full of tricks and treats.....hope everyone has a great weekend!!
Its been a pretty good time so far. the nights however, for rehearsal have been very late ending and I'm finding my butt is starting to drag...
The Paw rehearsal's have been very disappointing for me. The actor's are great, its the people who feel the need to give me their two cents that are driving me to the boiling point. I have the set designer who natters at me the whole time, and the lights man!! The lights man? Why is he not up in the booth? Ugh. Final rehearsal is on Tuesday and the law will be once again laid. All we can do now is go up!
This next weekend is one act festival and I can not wait for it. I have a travelling companion with me, so it won't seem like such a long drive!
This weekend will be full of tricks and treats.....hope everyone has a great weekend!!
A day in the life of Fairy Mae,
Tea Party
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Great day
So Buster and I headed to Edmontonius to attend an Adult trade show. We weren't sure what we were getting ourselves into but once Buster paid our entry fee, we were pleasantly surprised by all the booths, shows, chocolate!, and dildos!
There were booths from hot tubs, to blow up dolls, to lube, to a porn star autograph signing, to cars, to you name it, it was there.
It was one of the best days that I have spent with Buster.
After we saw all we saw!, we then headed to an electronics store and picked up a HUGE tv, headed over to a great restaurant and ended the night with installing the tv while eating an ice cream treat from dairy queen!!
It truly was a fab day.
Buster has since headed back up north to work. He has been home the last almost 3 weeks getting the harvest off. Its been so nice to have him home every night.
He makes me laugh, smile and he makes me very happy.
When he returns home, Kiddo will be here too which will be fantastic as it will be Halloween. Halloween is one of my absolute favourite days. I love decorating the house, carving the pumpkins and handing out treats to kids. With Kiddo being here, it will make it all that more exciting! Kiddo has decided to dress up as a brown cow this year...this makes me giggle. She has this infectious laugh and great smile that lights up the room. I cant wait to see her in it.
There were booths from hot tubs, to blow up dolls, to lube, to a porn star autograph signing, to cars, to you name it, it was there.
It was one of the best days that I have spent with Buster.
After we saw all we saw!, we then headed to an electronics store and picked up a HUGE tv, headed over to a great restaurant and ended the night with installing the tv while eating an ice cream treat from dairy queen!!
It truly was a fab day.
Buster has since headed back up north to work. He has been home the last almost 3 weeks getting the harvest off. Its been so nice to have him home every night.
He makes me laugh, smile and he makes me very happy.
When he returns home, Kiddo will be here too which will be fantastic as it will be Halloween. Halloween is one of my absolute favourite days. I love decorating the house, carving the pumpkins and handing out treats to kids. With Kiddo being here, it will make it all that more exciting! Kiddo has decided to dress up as a brown cow this year...this makes me giggle. She has this infectious laugh and great smile that lights up the room. I cant wait to see her in it.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
what's worse?
Im 39 years old and to this day I am pretty sure being disappointed in someone is far worse than being mad at them.
Lately I have been plenty disappointed and only some mad. Every time I turn around I see someone having a melt down over something so trivial that affects me personally and I really am not sure how to deal with it other then by just walking away. The problem of me walking away is that then the situation never gets addressed and low and behold, it happens again.
I am really getting tired of being put in my spot over things that are really so stupid. I feel hurt, used, stupid and belittled. I don't pull that shit on others so why do they think its ok to continue to do it over and over to me? Im guessing its because I do just walk away, but really why fight back over something soooo ridiculous? I do believe that after a time I should be apologized to, but that happens few and far between and when I do get an "Im sorry", it is full of nothingness so why bother saying it unless you do really mean it.
Whether I am at home or at work, all I want is to be treated with respect, not to be taken for granted, which is what I see happening and if your having a bad day, take it somewhere else because what happens is when you lash out a me for stupid crap that happens in your day, I just happen to hold grudges and do expect an apology and will remember what happen previously and that my friends will make me all that more cautious around you....if I know that I was in the wrong then by all means I will apologize and make a note to self, never to do that again, so why is it, it continues to with me?
Lately I have been plenty disappointed and only some mad. Every time I turn around I see someone having a melt down over something so trivial that affects me personally and I really am not sure how to deal with it other then by just walking away. The problem of me walking away is that then the situation never gets addressed and low and behold, it happens again.
I am really getting tired of being put in my spot over things that are really so stupid. I feel hurt, used, stupid and belittled. I don't pull that shit on others so why do they think its ok to continue to do it over and over to me? Im guessing its because I do just walk away, but really why fight back over something soooo ridiculous? I do believe that after a time I should be apologized to, but that happens few and far between and when I do get an "Im sorry", it is full of nothingness so why bother saying it unless you do really mean it.
Whether I am at home or at work, all I want is to be treated with respect, not to be taken for granted, which is what I see happening and if your having a bad day, take it somewhere else because what happens is when you lash out a me for stupid crap that happens in your day, I just happen to hold grudges and do expect an apology and will remember what happen previously and that my friends will make me all that more cautious around you....if I know that I was in the wrong then by all means I will apologize and make a note to self, never to do that again, so why is it, it continues to with me?
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Well, after cancelling out for festival, I think we finally have our group of 8.
We were trying to gather the 8 people who committed to doing The Paw for festival in November. Then Rocky Horror pops up and I went frio 8 to ZERO!
I had to phone head office to cancel out of Festival, got a talking to from the E.D. who rubs me the wrong way on a good day and barked back at her only to realized that not only can I not go to festival but the play is advertised in the season brochure AND, found out that the schools here were taking it in their reading curriculum and selling the house for a 10:30 AM performance out while STILL I had Zero actors.
Slowly, I gathered up 4 out of 5 actors. I still needed a dad. I found him last week. I was giving myself until the end of September to do this play.
I'm pissed at myself for losing sleep over the damn thing, I am pissed that many went over to RHPS and couldn't "DO" both....there are no lines to learn in Rocky and pissed that there is another sub group of the Players doing a show for the seniors at the same time of The Paw.
So...in the meantime, I have had a get together with all the Players and sorted this fiasco out. We have all agreed, because we went from 9 to 35 people overnight basically, that we need more communication....ya think?
This spring we are in the works for "See How They Run"...which thankfully will not be diirected by me...Im soured and need a break. I may however, take a roll in it. I think it could be awfully fun!
But in the meantime, rehearsal last night went great and we have come a long way baby!!
We were trying to gather the 8 people who committed to doing The Paw for festival in November. Then Rocky Horror pops up and I went frio 8 to ZERO!
I had to phone head office to cancel out of Festival, got a talking to from the E.D. who rubs me the wrong way on a good day and barked back at her only to realized that not only can I not go to festival but the play is advertised in the season brochure AND, found out that the schools here were taking it in their reading curriculum and selling the house for a 10:30 AM performance out while STILL I had Zero actors.
Slowly, I gathered up 4 out of 5 actors. I still needed a dad. I found him last week. I was giving myself until the end of September to do this play.
I'm pissed at myself for losing sleep over the damn thing, I am pissed that many went over to RHPS and couldn't "DO" both....there are no lines to learn in Rocky and pissed that there is another sub group of the Players doing a show for the seniors at the same time of The Paw.
So...in the meantime, I have had a get together with all the Players and sorted this fiasco out. We have all agreed, because we went from 9 to 35 people overnight basically, that we need more communication....ya think?
This spring we are in the works for "See How They Run"...which thankfully will not be diirected by me...Im soured and need a break. I may however, take a roll in it. I think it could be awfully fun!
But in the meantime, rehearsal last night went great and we have come a long way baby!!
A day in the life of Fairy Mae,
High achievers,
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Five Alarm Pizza
Well, the girls here at work, plus myself decided to have the very hard left over pizza for dinner.
Gwen: "How long should I heat this for?"
Me: "Oh, about 3 minutes."
Gwen walks away in to her office leaving me, Blanche and Berline in the box office.
I am plating a piece of pizza for myself while the other two girls are on the phone.
Me: "What's Burning??"
ALL: OMG The pizza is on fire!"
I run over to the microwave, open the door only to pull out one piece of SMOKIN' pizza.
With smoke everywhere in the box office, Gwen running to grab...of all things the aerosol air freshner can, which was being sprayed by her, I am running the plate of fired up pizza to the tap to douse it with water and as for the college....well, at least the sprinklers didn't go off....only the fire alarms!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA......
Well, needless to say, we cleared the college....What day is it again?
Gwen: "How long should I heat this for?"
Me: "Oh, about 3 minutes."
Gwen walks away in to her office leaving me, Blanche and Berline in the box office.
I am plating a piece of pizza for myself while the other two girls are on the phone.
Me: "What's Burning??"
ALL: OMG The pizza is on fire!"
I run over to the microwave, open the door only to pull out one piece of SMOKIN' pizza.

With smoke everywhere in the box office, Gwen running to grab...of all things the aerosol air freshner can, which was being sprayed by her, I am running the plate of fired up pizza to the tap to douse it with water and as for the college....well, at least the sprinklers didn't go off....only the fire alarms!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA......
Well, needless to say, we cleared the college....What day is it again?
Friday, October 01, 2010
Its fall, my favourite season. Watching all the leaves turn beautiful oranges and yellows. Its great horse back riding weather. The colts are brought in off their mothers and we can start working with them.
The combing is in full swing.
When I was little, I always enjoyed helping grama fix the lunches for the men on the field. Their faces black with dirt, their hands spackled with grease, and their clothes dusty and dirty and the smell coming from the freshly combined rows was like I had died and gone to heaven.
This is the season to get the last of the hay bales off the flat. This is the time for canning, pulling the rest of the veggies out of the garden. This is the time for Thanksgiving....October is a good month.
The combing is in full swing.
When I was little, I always enjoyed helping grama fix the lunches for the men on the field. Their faces black with dirt, their hands spackled with grease, and their clothes dusty and dirty and the smell coming from the freshly combined rows was like I had died and gone to heaven.
This is the season to get the last of the hay bales off the flat. This is the time for canning, pulling the rest of the veggies out of the garden. This is the time for Thanksgiving....October is a good month.
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